Environment, Social, Governance
Get your Sustainability Rating and monitor the ESG performance of your Value Chain
Sign Up NowWhat we do
Prove your sustainability and communicate your commitment towards ESG matters, gain visibility and get potential customers or sustainable suppliers and partners
Thanks to ESG Portal, companies have access to a tool to measure, communicate and improve their performance in the field of Sustainable Development and show their concrete contribution to ESG Principles.
ESG Portal is a powerful communication tool for any company. The web platform can be viewed by an infinite number of potential customers who prefer to involve in their supply chain subjects committed to Sustainability.
ESG Portal allows companies to focus on key regulatory aspects, encouraging compliance and improvement paths useful for avoiding sanctions and repercussions on Business Continuity.
The Company
The “S.r.l. Società Benefit (SB)”, (known in the U.S. as Benefit Corporation), introduced in 2016 in the Italian legal system, is a new legal status for companies representing an evolution of the very concept of Company, thus allowing ESG Portal to use its business as a positive force to create lasting and shared prosperity for society as a whole.
While traditional companies exist with the only purpose to distribute dividends to their shareholders, Benefit Corporations are the expression of a more highly evolved kind of organization. In their corporate purpose, they combine the profit targets with the objective to have a positive impact on both the society and the biosphere.
The Benefit Corporation is a new legal tool which creates a solid foundation for long term mission alignment and shared value creation. Part of the profits is allocated for mutual benefit initiatives, as declared in our corporate bylaws.
Get your Sustainability Rating based on international standards and monitor the ESG performance of your Value Chain
Contact Information
ESG Portal Benefit Corporation
Via Ippodromo, 7 - 20151 Milano, Italy
Piazza Buenos Aires, 5 - 00198 Roma, Italy
VAT IT11344330961
R.E.A. MI 2596349
Share Capital € 109.335,47
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